Are you looking for a fresh start in your story?

Jesus is longing to come into your heart today. Reach out to Him today in prayer.

We believe that when you know God, your life begins to change. If you’ve come to this page and do not yet know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, here’s a very simple invitation for you.

Watch these 4 short videos and then we would love to encourage you to pray to God at the end.


God Loves You

If you're a member of the human race then God loves you; not just with any old 'love' but with a love that will last forever. You see love is not just something God does, it's what He is. He defines the true meaning of love. In 1 John 4v16 it simply says "God is love".

I Have Sinned

Romans 3v23 says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". That means that every human being has failed meet the perfect standard of God's goodness and righteousness. Whether it's murder or whether it's just a 'white' lie, every sin keeps us from meeting God's standard and has both consequences and penalty.

Jesus Died For You

The just penalty for our sin, the wrong things every one of us have done, is spiritual death; separation from God. But ever since man had first sinned, God had planned a permanent solution. The ultimate sacrifice that could pay the punishment for everyone's sin and see justice done.

I Need To Decide To Live For God

God has done His part. Jesus gave His own life as a punishment for OUR sin. We didn't deserve it. It wasn't 'fair' but that's how much God loves you. But now you have to decide if you want to accept this gift of forgiveness, this promise of eternal life


Dear God, thank you that you love me and have a good plan and purpose for my life. I’m sorry for ignoring you and doing things my way. I realise now that my sin has hurt you and the people around me, and for this I’m truly sorry.

Thank you Jesus that you gave your life for me and took the punishment for my sin. Please forgive me and help me now, by the power of your Holy Spirit, as I decide to live only for you.


Have you just prayed this?

Let us know we’d LOVE to celebrate with YOU